In the list of references below you will find new publications on the new coronavirus and nephrology
- Guidance for Infection Control and Prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in dialysis facilities
10/03/2020 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - ERA-EDTA sharing Milano experience on coronavirus management in dialysis centers
Professor Mario Cozzolino, MD, PhD - Information for Screening and Management of COVID-19 in the Outpatient Dialysis Facility
28/02/2020 - American Society of Nephrology - The Novel Coronavirus 2019 Epidemic and Kidneys
Saraladevi Naicker, Chih-Wei Yang, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Bi-Cheng Liu, Jiang-Hua Chen, Vivekanand Jha - Coronavirus epidemic: preparing for extracorporeal organ support in intensive care
30/01/2020 - Claudio Ronco, Paolo Navalesi, Jean Louis Vincent - Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal agents
G. Kampf, D. Todt, S. Pfaender, E. Steinmann - COVID-19, the Novel Corona Virus - News and Advice for the ERA-EDTA Community and kidney patients.
- The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce
it: rapid review of the evidence
Samantha K Brooks, Rebecca K Webster, Louise E Smith, Lisa Woodland, Simon Wessely, Neil Greenberg, Gideon James Rubin