Writting the chapter in 5τη Hypetension School, “The role of Na+ and kidney”, April 2021.
Writing the chapter in 4rd Hypetension School, “Hypertension in special groups: Kidney damage”, November-December 2019.
Writing the chapter in “Intensive therapy and Emergency Medicine” , “RIFLE, scale of kidney damage”, September 2019
Writing the chapter in “Intensive therapy and Emergency Medicine” , “Algorithm of Diagnostic Approach of AKI and polyouria ”, September 2019
Writing the chapter in 3rd Hypetension School, “The role of Na+ and kidney”, November 2018.
Writing the chapter in 3rd Hypetension School, “RAAS system”, November 2018.
Writing the chapter of the proceedings of 9th Seminal of acid-base balance, “Acid-base in balances in pre-dialysis patients”, Komotini 25-26th September 2015.
Writing the chapter of the proceedings of 7th Seminal of acid-base balance, “Acid-base in balances in patients with ureter-mouth”, Komotini 20-23th September 2013.
Writing the chapter of the proceedings 24th Medical Army Conference, “Dietary Support of renal transplant patient”, Thessaloniki 18-20 October 2012.
Translation chapters from the 4th edition of the book Comprehensive-Clinical Nephrology edited by K. Mafrommatidis Nephrologist, released in December 2012.
Writing the chapter: 'Urgent hypokalemia' in the book of proceedings of the 6th seminar of fluids, electrolytes and acid-base balance, Komotini, Greece, 28-29 September 2012
Writing the chapter: “Calcium and phosphorus (diet, binding, clearance)” in the book of proceedings of the 5th seminar of fluids, electrolytes and acid-base balance, Vlasti, Greece, 23-24 September 2011
Chapter: Effect of hormones on geriatric patients (p. 278-286) in book “Effect of hormones on renal and cardiac injury” of PN Zirogiannis, Athens 2009.
Chapter: Fabry disease (p.460) in “Family Medical Guide” of A. Anagnostopoulou, L. Papadopoulou, Thessaloniki 2004.
Chapter: Graft nephropathy and chronic rejection (p. 3391-3397) in book “Clinical Nephrology” of PN Zirogiannis, A. Pieridis and A Diamandopoulos, Athens 2004.
Chapter: Analgetic nephropathy (p. 2760-2763) in book “Clinical Nephrology” of PN Zirogiannis, A. Pieridis and A Diamandopoulos, Athens 2004.
Chapter: Chronic Kindney Injury and pregnancy (p. 386-393) in book "Emergency Nephrology" of PN Zirogiannis, A. Pieridis and A Diamandopoulos, Athens 2003.