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Chapter 6 - Rehabilitation and Employment

23 January 2022

How will CKD impact my ability to work?
A CKD diagnosis may have no affect on your ability to continue to work. Some patients continue to work even after their CKD has progressed on to Stage 5. As someone with CKD, you can continue to work and spend time doing the things you enjoy, such as gardening, volunteering, canoeing, etc. CKD will cause you to make a few changes to your lifestyle, however, you don’t need to let it stop you from doing the things you enjoy. Continuing to work and staying active will help to keep you healthy.

A Friendly Note: I remember when I first beard the words, chronic kidney disease. Right away I was worried what it was going to do to my livelihood. Was I going to be able to continue doing the things I enjoyed? Was I going to be able to continue working? Was I going to be able to continue caring for my family? I quickly found out that the answer to my questions was “yes, yes, yes. ” There are changes in your life that you’ll need to make to adapt to CKD, such as diet and exercise, but you don’t have to let CKD take over your life. You’re still in control and you are still capable of doing the things you enjoy. Maintain your health and be aware of your CKD, but don’t live in fear.